
Archive for July, 2013

Curious Facts About Aerosmith

July 11, 2013 Leave a comment


  1. Did you know, that originally Aersmith wanted to name themselves either Spike Jones or Jack Daniels.
  2. All of you, who own the original artwork-cover of the album “Done With Mirrors” are very lucky. Every single unit is only shown in mirror-writing.
  3. The album “Pump” was originally supposed to be named “Bobbing For Piranhas”.
  4. The scene within the videoclip to “Cryin´ “, where Alicia Silverstone is jumping down from a bridge, did cost 10.000 Dollar and lasted only 5 seconds.
  5. For the recordings of the song “I Don´t Want to Miss A Thing” there was a 52 men string orchestra used.
  6. Within the song “Hearts Done Time” you can hear the two killerwales Hyak and Fina.
  7. Aerosmith´s video clip “Cryin´” developed to one of the most expensive productions ever. It cost several Million Dollar.
  8. The song “Back In The Saddle” tells a story about the groupie Sukie Jones who followed Aerosmith and other bands throughout the Seventies. Read more…
Categories: rock legend 70's